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Oh it isn't dead 

How dare you think that? I'm still getting back into the swing of writing and independent thinking..I really have only vaguely followed politics since the 04 election, probably up until December of last year. My (worthless) endorsement is still incoming. Until then, random thoughts.

Concern trolling the primary wars (candidates): Trust me, we'll all join forces. It may not seem like it, but letting this race go through Texas and especially Ohio is a great thing for the Democratic party. The infrastructure that it builds and the interest that it brings to the race is something that the best advertising couldn't buy come November.

Overly biased blogging: Blogs that I used to consider to be the gold standard are playing a game that I thought the left leaning blogosphere was above. If I wanted spin, I'd turn on the television. Kos, Jerome, I know that you are pretty open supporters of your respective candidates, and I can respect that. Allowing your communities to devolve into the void is a tough one to counter considering the setup of your respective site, but I only hope that this ends when our nomination process does. Neither are as vile as Taylor Marsh, whom I consider to be the Hannity or maybe more apt: the Baghdad Bob of the blogosphere. I haven't seen an independent thought come out of this blog since the primaries began.
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