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It was the left of times.. 

Following a mish-mash of name changes and a self imposed hiatus, I am returning to the world of political blogging, and what better place than where it all started. As you can see, I have some housekeeping to do. Some of these links bring back some great memories.

Where have I been? Since the Left Times begat the (seemingly unavailable in archive form) Polexicon, which begat Blog Underground (something I think could have been a great idea if someone other than me, hell, anyone with a little bit of coding sense ran it) which begat my leaving political soapboxes of all kind. 2004 was very difficult for me, putting in so much time and effort only to see things go down in flames.

Since then, I have gotten married, and my son Connor is due in the next month. A child brings a renewed drive and interest in shaping things to come. Is it too late to undo the damage done by the Bush administration? Do I still have time to ensure that Connor's future is secure?

To ensure my notoriously fickle blogging habits, I am going to consider this what it is: me shooting the shit about politics. No scheme to build a massive soapbox, no plan to make money, no worries about readership. No name changes, no new domains, no massive redesigning, no higher functionality. Simple, me, and to the point, The Left Times is here to remain. I am much less worried about ping services, and focused where I feel the focus belongs: content.

It's good to be back, and the next week or so, look for me doing some catching up, musing about things that have happened before we get into where we stand now and my thoughts on that. See you soon.
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