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I have to title these things now? 

Wow, reading through some of these older posts..I can't believe some of what I wrote. I was pretty damn good at this! Mark, thanks for the warm welcome back. I knew I never deleted this blog for a reason.

I'm going to spend most of the day updating these links, as much as I want to leave them, out of laziness and some kind of statement. With all of the primary hype, I haven't been much following local races. Anyone have any suggestions on who to look into? Does anyone with a little artistic skill want to donate a logo? Geocities ate mine.

As for the presidential race, I am ready to give my full endorsement, not yet. I have a clear favorite, but I feel I have to earn the weight of any kind of message I could put up here, rather than come back after a near four year hiatus and just throw a name at you. With that said, I will be working on an entire post dedicated to the primary timeline, and my thoughts surrounding it from the 6 man race, all the way up to the two man (person?) race we have now.

The blogosphere you ask? Well it's kind of gone mainstream hasn't it? Kos is still top of the pops, some names have changed and shifted on, and some people show how even a completely free site can be successful. It's great to see a lot of the names that I remember from the 04 era still on point, but even more so pushing a completely independent seems a lot less group think than I remember, with the exception of the presidential election. The biggest disappointment? It appears that some of my old friends have also given up the business; unless my google-fu fails me, stockton and tweed are missing.

On to work on updating some of these links. See you soon.
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