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An update.. 

Hello folks.

I apologize for the lack of my updating in the last day or so. I have been shopping around and looking at changing the blog format to movable type. It's just so damn classy, and I'm a whore for having everything hosted in house. I've spent more time researching how to set that up and how much it would cost than actually looking at political news, but here are some highlights I have come across:

John Kerry finally looks to be getting his bounce his bounce in the polls as many cite Bush's collapse (44 percent approval, say it with me now!): That means those unnamed Dems that were worried should shut up now. Oh, and we've opened a significant lead in Ohio. Things are looking good for us.

The Reform Party has endorsed Ralph Nader, in the process granting him access to his first state ballots, but it seems a snarky little law in Florida may prevent him from hitting that particular ballot up. All that said, people are making too big a deal out of this: Nader on any ballot under any party will be lucky to get more than 1 percent of the vote. People aren't stupid.

Back to typepad/movable type/scoop research..I will probably be blogging again shortly.

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