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A recipe for Success? 

Arianna Huffington has an interesting new blog post about how John Kerry should go about winning.

While it would be a dream of mine for John Kerry to become a "hedgehog" candidate with some balls out progressiveness, I don't think this will happen. I don't know that it would be the best strategy either..any move to the left would yield ground in the center for GWB, and the center isn't really happy with him right now.

What Ms. Huffington is saying is that if we are to outrun the flip flop label, we can't flip flop. I think this is a problem more with the media coverage than any actual issue, as John Kerry has been rather consistent with his voting record. The media however seems to have a need to make a story out of semantics, as in the medal/ribbon story. How do we then address the problem? I see no problem with John Kerry's continuing outfoxal of the President, but here's what we can do: George Bush is running with so many holes in his own record, let's turn the table around and put him on the defensive. Let's take a look at his record. Remember that Kyoto treaty? Remember mercury standards in drinking water? I could go on and on..and actually have at the old blog, but I won't here, the point is that George Bush has done some things that would scare the rightest of the right, and has gotten a free pass on most of them. Let's raise those issues, and show who the real flip flopper is when it comes to rhetoric and action.
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