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The Race is Kerry's to lose 

John Zogby is one of a few voices to come out and say it: This election has become John Kerry's to lose. With George Bush and company pretty much unable to attack lately, the economy still as the top concern (see more people believe today that the economy is worse off than before Friday's supposedly great job numbers), and poor poll numbers for an incumbent President, not to mention a frozen electorate and this little gem from Charlie Cook:

"it has long been argued that when a president is seeking re-election, it is more of a referendum on the incumbent than a contest between two candidates. If that is the case, Bush is in deep trouble."

I agree with Mr. Zogby on one major point. The electorate is pretty solid right now, and John Kerry has all the room to move up. The electorate knows George Bush, but they are just having their first beer with the good Senator in the last few weeks. John Kerry can expect a jump with his VP announcement, a jump with the Democratic National Convention, and a steady increase with every day more voters get to know him, or become engaged in the race. George Bush only has the convention. He meanwhile has nowhere to go but down, as Iraq descends into hell, the perception of a bad economy continues to be ruminated upon by an already nervous and frightened electorate. Not a whole hell of a lot of people like George Bush. Not a whole lot of people know John Kerry. One of those can be easily corrected, and I ask you, which would you rather be then?
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