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President Bush and the temple of Abu Ghraib 

While I know that I have refrained from commenting on the prison abuse scandal in Iraq, I think now is the time to chime in.

There has been a lot of talk lately of the end of Rumsfeld, but let me put it out there: I don't think he should resign. Yet. He needs to take control and responsibility for what is happening, but the fall is not his at this moment. You know the proverbial stuff has hit the fan when even President Bush is apologizing.

While it is a shame that the leaders of our country seemed to be the last ones to find out about this scandal, it doesn't seem to me that there is much they could have done to prevent this from happening. I think we should be less focused on the abuse and more on the fact that there seems to be a problem in the chain of command when 60 minutes 2 finds out before the commander in chief. That is not to say that I think what happened or is happening over there is ok, it's far from it. It is reprehensible, and may have topped Bush's decision to go there on the all time "Why the world hates America" list. Our little problem in the Middle East just got bigger, and it is going to take a while to repair the damage done here at home and abroad. It was precisely things of this nature that turned Vietnam to shit. Let's hope against hope that the same thing doesn't transpire here.

UPDATE: I thought about this some more, and to hell with it, let him fry. Rumsfeld and while I'm at it, the entire Bush team needs to resign. The reverse midas touch has got to go.
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