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Polls Polls Polls 

Some poll action for yall.

Fox News National Poll(source)
Bush 44 - approval 49
Kerry 41

Gallup National Poll (source)
Bush 48
Kerry 49

Bush 47
Kerry 47
Nader 3

These are within the margin of error. Alan "chapter on why Fox News is A'OK" Colmes, it always seems to me that the Fox News polls are slightly skewed in a certain direction compared to other polls.

Arizona Star state poll (source)
Bush 46
Kerry 42

What that state poll doesn't show is that the President's approval numbers have sunk to a new low. Look for some movement after the Kerry ad blitz begins to sink in.

Rasmussen also has some encouraging numbers, with Kerry ahead in Wisconsin, Oregon, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois. Well within striking distance of some others as well. The national tracking poll there, however, has slipped back into a dead heat.

What these numbers show me, and I know I pick on these unnamed Dems a lot, is that those unnamed Dems are full of shit. We're doing great by almost any standard, and Bush is running scared. We've got the energy, the excitement, and something the elephants didn't expect, the money to win this thing. Now that the message is getting out there, the numbers should begin to reflect a good shift for Kerry.

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