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This Yahoo/AP article has Bush and Kerry tied at 205 electoral votes each, with 138 in play.

Those 12 remaining states, although not expressed exactly in the article, are probably mostly good news for Kerry, as Independents traditionally break for the challenger, even when the incumbent is not as scandalous, polarizing, and moronic as George Bush.

The real gem buried in this article is:

"I don't think a Massachusetts liberal is going to carry Louisiana," said Jim Duffy, a Democratic strategist from Washington.

Apparently even the Democratic Strategists are pushing Bush MEME's now. What the hell is this about?

UPDATE: A more numbers based article on the same story came out with the 12 battleground states. They are Arkansas (6), Florida (27), Iowa (7), Maine (4), Missouri (11), Nevada (5), New Hampshire (4), New Mexico (5), Ohio (20), Oregon (7) Pennsylvania (21), Washington state (11). If the election were held today, I would see Kerry getting the holy trinity (FL, PA, OH) as well as Oregon, Washington, Maine, Iowa, New Hampshire and probably Missouri. Bush would probably get New Mexico, Arkansas and Nevada. What do I base this on, you ask? Other than the part I mentioned above about Independents breaking to the challenger, Washington, Oregon, and Maine tend to get solid blue as an election nears. PA has trended blue in the last few elections, and has a higher voter registration of Dems. Not to mention, along with Ohio, being hard hit by Bush job losses. New Hampshire is trending Blue right now, and I have a feeling we may see a bit of a backlash on Bush in Florida, from folks still angry from 2000.
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