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Kerry wouldn't be last to know 

In a great move, John Kerry is capitalizing on a huge hole in the President's armor, his ignorance to the situation in Iraq. This puts John Kerry in a good position to be a correct alternative to Bush, as simple as it sounds. I think that because of this, we will begin to see our first significant poll shifts.

People complain about the lack of poll shifts, but my previous post aside: John Kerry is using a long term strategy to paint small strokes here and there to have the full picture available when people start paying attention. Most people don't know of him yet, but they will soon. What is helping Kerry's strategy, which I'm sure he didn't account for, was that President Bush would be shooting himself in the foot every few days.

To paraphrase Bill Maher, Karl Rove isn't the most savvy guy. Anyone who lets their guy try to dodge responsibility by claiming ignorance in the top office..ah hell the top office in the world, isn't the brainiest. Look for things like this to add up real soon.

The call for Rumsfeld's ouster gets louder. This is a lose lose position for Bush. If Rummy goes, people will wonder how Bush picked such a moron in the first place. If Rummy stays, people will wonder how much worse it will get, and just how ignorant he is. Like I've said, id rather see Rummy as one of those jobless statistics, but either way, it doesn't look good for W.
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