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Kerry VP watch 

Goddard has an article commenting on Iowa Governator Tom Vilsack as a front runner for John Kerry's VP slot. They see in him a Midwestern, popular, swing state, new face governor with lots of future potential.

I think that he might actually be a better choice than Edwards because, while the good Senator is also from a swing state and a new face with lots of potential, John Edwards has a good chance of outshining John Kerry, and will have a hard time turning his optimistic campaign into attack dog mode, which is where we need a VP to be at. Edwards should replace Ashcroft instead.

In other VP news, Wes Clark has endorsed New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for the job. While this may seem strange on the surface, it seems that this was only a power play to move himself into top position for the job, as Richardson is seen as a second tier candidate for the job.

The rankings as I see them right now:

First Tier: Gephardt, Vilsack, Clark, Bayh
Teetering: John Edwards (fan favorite)

Anyone outside of this small circle would be a surprise at this point. My money is on Bayh or Clark. My heart is still on Dean, but the only time his name came up from the Kerry VP staff was reading "Worse than Watergate." Hell, I think I'm the only blogger even bringing it up.

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