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Kerry to Rout? 

I have been waiting since last January to see a major story that not only addresses our chances at winning this thing, but the possibly of a blowout, our way.
(full article here)

This article is spot on. Ideologies aside, Bush's situation is looking a lot similar to Carter in 1980. Bush's approval numbers are showing a downward trend. He is dealing with a crisis that is quickly spinning into chaos. His economic recovery..isn't really recovering as they had hoped. The American public is beginning to see George Bush as a miserable failure. (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist)

Where does that leave us? While quite a few people are whining that Senator Kerry hasn't done enough to capitalize on this situation, I think we have the right idea. While your opponent is shooting himself in the foot, you stand off to the side and give a program on gun safety. Alright, the analogies don't work too well after 1 am, but give me a break.
There is a real opportunity for us to win this one in a landslide. What these polls that we hear so much about are not showing is an increasing distaste for George Bush. This distaste alone has probably registered more votes than Russell Simmons this year. What about generally Republican voters who have lost their job? What about that voter's generally Republican families? How about the military families?

The only people George Bush can count on at this point are people that benefit from his policies (read: rich rich rich), and people with such backward social thinking that they don't realize they are being raped. Senator Kerry can keep it this way.
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