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Well folks, It seems they don't want to count em after all.

A new election commission today decided that we can not force any kind of checks and balances on precincts that use the dreaded touch screen voting machines.

What this means in common language is that there will be no receipt for your vote. No way to tell if it was counted properly. No way to count it again if a problem arises. With the election looking to be pretty damn close, I think it would be rather prudent to have these paper records. If they already had glitches with the system for primary votes (CA), just think of how disastrous this could be if we have a Florida repeat.

We've seen how fast Congress can act with an entire nation's nudge. The do not call list has shown us that. We as a nation should get behind the initiative for e-voting standards, including testing, bug proofing, and mainly, paper records. Don't get me wrong, E-voting is a great thing. It makes the process easier, and has the potential to attract many new voters to the game. That said, however, would you trust your computer with a decision that important? Or would you get the blue screen of death? Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Bull Moose..every one of us should stand up and say it with me now: Our vote will count.
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