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Clark for VP 

Earlier today, I posted that my money was on a Kerry/Clark or Kerry/Bayh ticket, but my heart was on Kerry/Dean. Since that last one is NOT going to happen, let me tell you why I think Wes Clark is the best man for the job.

I must be forthcoming, when Wes Clark entered the race, I was captivated enough to leave blog for america for a few minutes. I had always sat on the line between supporting Dean or Clark, and I think that a lot of people were in that boat with me. Wes Clark brings Howard Dean's popularity and his connection with young people to the table, without Dean's "Northeastern Angry Liberal" label, plus the added bonus of national security credentials. While Dean is from Vermont, likely as blue as it gets, Wes Clark is from Arkansas, a crucial swing state this year. He has face recognition over Evan Bayh or Tom Vilsack, and could take on Cheney much better than Edwards or Gephardt. As I see it, Wes Clark is not only the man for the job, taking him would be like maximizing the good from the rest of the short list, and minimizing the bad.
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