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"They're Wrong, They're Wrong!!" - Sean Hannity, giving a highly researched and factually backed review of Air America Radio.

"Bill O' an embarrassment to my side." - G. Gordon Liddy on Norville

Well, day two of the revolution is here. I'm listening to the Unfiltered show @ air America with hosts Lizz Winstead, creator of the Daily Show, and Chuck D, political activist and the man that made Public Enemy. I do like this station, however I must say that we need to take more of a Bizzaro Rush blitz rather than an Alan Colmes blitz. A lot of this, while preaching to the choir, is plagued with some of the same issues that cost us elections. Too soft spoken, too nice, yet so right. Keep listening folks, I think this will be around. We need another star like perhaps Howard Stern, if it has been long enough to welcome him into the fold.

John Kerry, so soon after his first break, is now taking another. After a shoulder injury, surgery will keep him off the trail for a few days, but this time, it seems some surrogates are there to pick up the pieces. Rumor has it that Gephardt is at the top of the short list for veep. WHY? If this is true, I won't be able to see the logic. Dick Gephardt has nothing to counter the perceived weaknesses of John Kerry. Aside from being on the correct side on the issues, he really can't offer anything electoral, personality-wise, or political. I have stayed away from making a pick for my dream team, other than to say McCain would be the easy way to win. Here, now, you hear it first, my dream team. My first choice is the fan favorite John Edwards, beating out Wes Clark by a neck. I like both of these guys very much, but John Edwards quickly nullifies the personality shortcomings of John Kerry, along with being popular amongst the people. Not to mention we need to groom for when Kerry is finished in 2012. Wes Clark has the edge on national security and other political weaknesses of Kerry, but electorally has nothing to offer. I also like Bill Richardson or any woman that is not Hillary Clinton. Not that I don't love Hill, but she is just too damn polarizing. Ed Rendell is a good guy, but I just don't want him to leave here in PA. Howard Dean would do a good job of energizing the base, but turn away swing votes. So there you have it.

Today the story broke that ole Condi was set to give a speech on 9-11 concerning the future of defense of America. She was prepared to mention OBL, tie Saddam in, and nip it in the bud. Damn, I guess I've been wrong all along. Or not, the truth of the matter is that the speech was set to talk about the moron Star Wars program, and had no mention of Islamic and international terror. I love it, every time Kerry has to step out for a moment, the Bushies face a new tough blow. How are they going to spin this? I see all of this having a plummeting effect on the Bush numbers, on both approval and security. Folks from here on the bottom, it's lookin good.
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