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Shortsighted much? 

It seems that our administration is the last country on the planet to not realize what kind of long term damage our worthless Iraq invasion will do. That said, these countries decisions (or campaign promises) to pull out completely is not just. Granted, it's our mess, but you guys were there too, you're all guilty by association. Australia and Spain, I agree that we need to get the UN involved again, but I actually think that leaving at this point would be even more shortsighted than our initial decision to go in. It would act as yet another catalyst to terrorist recruitment, as hatred of the western world grows more and more. How do we go and address the root of the problem rather than the symptom? At this point, George Bush has done a great deal of damage, but his shortsightedness can be overcome, and probably without being seen as pushovers. John Kerry first and foremost, needs to will out in Iraq, go back to the UN and get them involved, continue a global intelligence operation, and attack terrorists more with technology. Then, we extend the olive branch. We need a truly even handed policy in Middle East. Our one sided support of Israel hasn't worked out too well. Next, we move toward energy independence and away from being owned by Saudi oil. Finally, not using our military for personal vendetta is probably a good word of advice to John Kerry. It doesn't get us anywhere.
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