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Polled out 

Well folks, the latest AP poll has been released and our two contenders are in a statistical dead heat. John Kerry gets 45 percent and GW gets 46, with Nader getting 6. Analyze it you say? Well what this tells me is that either nothing is changing anything or Bush's attack ads combined with Kerry criticism and Iraq are negating each other. That said, this looks good for Kerry, because those 6 percent of people who say Nader are mostly unlikely to actually vote for him, instead getting cold feet and turning to Kerry in the voting booth. Again, and as always, a poll this early in the game doesn't mean much.

Not getting as much airplay from that very same poll:

country headed in wrong direction: 57 percent
Disapprove of Bush as President: 50 percent
Disapprove of Bush on economy: 53 percent
Disapprove of Bush on domestic issues: 53 percent
Disapprove of Bush on foreign policy and terrorism(registered voters): 47 percent
Disapprove of Bush on foreign policy: 56 percent
Disapprove of Bush on war on terrorism: 47 percent
Which party do you want to see control congress: D(47), R (43)

This is almost a majority on all fronts against Bush, even with the supposedly recovering economy. This all tells me that both candidates are going to actually have to debate issues in order to gain or lose any ground. We're in it for the long haul folks.

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