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Polled out 

New polls this week show a steep decline in support for President Bush in general and against John Kerry. A week of Iraq plunging into chaos plus the return of John Kerry to the scene has put the Senator well ahead in most recent polls.

A year ago, this guy was unbeatable.

Kos brought up an interesting point last night. It seems he got into rant mode about the same time that I did. John Edwards wanted to bring America back together. Howard Dean wanted to reform the democratic party. Why is John Kerry running? The obvious answer is that he thinks..and I know.. that he can do a better job than Bush. That answer isn't good enough for the public, and honestly, my vote for Kerry is still about 55 percent a vote against Bush. This is more of a personality issue than his actual policy, which for the most part, does well. I do like John Kerry, and I am excited about our prospects (now we even have a chance at the Senate), but we should be landsliding Bush in the polls. We need an American public friendly soundbyte slogan, one that paints the positives of the Kerry plan, not the old Bring It on. We aren't in the primaries anymore Dorothy.
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