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Poll this 

Two weeks of downtime has taken its toll for future President Kerry in Florida. The sitting President now leads Kerry 51-43 in this important battleground state, however all signs point to the state being very fluid. I honestly don't see these numbers as being very important quite yet, and national polls show a different trend with Kerry gaining ground, so lets see where these go in the coming weeks for a more accurate picture of voting.

Another more important poll, done by the Pew research group, shows that a clear majority of people, 53 percent, now believe that George Bush is not doing a good job in Iraq. Now I don't think the March job numbers will really stick, but could it be that the very things Bush and Kerry were ready to run on will up and switch? With 20 plus American troops killed in Iraq since this weekend, it is a possibility. Perhaps more damning for Bush from the very same poll, his job approval is at an anemic 43 percent, with 47 disapproving. Why don't they ever come to me with these polls?

Ralph Nader was unable to make the ballot in what would have been one of the easiest states to do so in oregon. he came up 250 plus signatures short of the requirement, and is opting for a time and money consuming last ditch effort to get so many signatures in a three month period to get back on the ballot. Between this and his flimsy support, he has an uphill battle to wage.

Finally for this post, I added a register to vote box on the left side of your screen. If anyone here is actually not registered to vote and will be at least 18 by November, get on it NOW. Also, I apologize for the lack of links within posts, but it is a bit difficult to do on the old Blogger interface with the mac. I promise when I am back updating from home tomorrow, there will be links.

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