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Just when I get comfortable, Bush has taken over my home state of Pennsylvania, and the election is thrown back into grey area. New polls show him ahead 46-40 against John Kerry. The silver lining here is that Bush's numbers have not gone up. This has only changed the amount of undecideds, and goes to show that Bush doesn't have a lot of room to grow. PA, being one of the hardest hit states from Bushonomics, is likely to bounce around all the way to November. As of most recent polls, Kerry would take Ohio and Florida, Bush would take PA, and most other states would remain the same as from the last election. Of course it is senseless to speculate based on polls at this point, with the election so far away. All that said, I can't believe that so many people haven't made up their mind yet. Even worse than that, I can't believe that so many people would be swayed by the Bush ads without doing any research in this age of information at your fingertips.

Good Luck to Air America Radio. Today, they successfully launched to much fanfare with only a few glitches. I am listening to the repeat of the Randi Rhodes show, and he sounds a lot different from his days as a guitarist for Ozzy. Seriously though, you are off to a good start, now sign up some more big names, more big affiliates, and keep up the good work.

Friday April 16th, I will be in Washington DC to watch Crossfire. Here's to hoping I get Carville and Carlson. During my trip, I also plan on visiting Kerry HQ and punching people in the face on K street. Of course the actual purpose for this trip has nothing to do with any of that stuff, but hopefully I can sneak out of that conference on Friday at 4. The hotel I will be in is 5 minutes from GWU where Crossfire is shot. I can make it.

Finally I am seeing some Kerry surrogates defending him on the tele. Keep it up, and let's get some bigger guns out there. Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hill Clinton, I want to see your asses on CNN. As good of people as Bill Richardson, Ed Rendell, Tom Daschle and Donna Brazile are, they just don't have the talking power that the big guns have.

George Bush and crew just doesn't learn from their mistakes! Just two short days after ending Condigate, they are at it again, now stonewalling a commission to investigate their lies about the new Medicare bill. I would have thought they would have just let someone take the fall and avoid risking another naughty news cycle.

That's all for now folks.
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