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John Kerry goes back to school 

On day three of his campus tour, John Kerry continues to impress. Today, Kerry reiterated his plan for fully funded higher education in exchange for national service. It is refreshing to see a politician speaking to this constituency, as we are often ignored. As for the plan itself, it is an all around winner, one that will get more people involved in both national service and higher education, which to me, is a win win situation. Kerry even explains how this can be paid for without putting any of the burden on taxpayers, which is by shifting money from a windfall that banks get by doing student loans.

At the same rally, John Kerry addressed the President's lack of substance in his speech last night. Not only did George Bush preempt 24, he did it basically to politic and stump. Now its on at the same damn time as the Sopranos and Alias, but I digress. John Kerry called for a "smarter way" in Iraq, one that eases the burden on the United States military and taxpayers by introducing the United Nations. This is a smart move because not only does he now have more substance in his plan than the sitting "we're going in the right direction" president, but it echoes the sentiment of the population. Kerry says it doesn't have to be this way, and never did, and he is 100 percent correct.
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