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Holding our collective breath 

The polls are closed here in PA, and it's looking like a dead heat. Specter or Toomey? We should know by the end of 24.
I'm not sure why I care so much about this race, I think Hoeffel stands a good chance against either of them. That said, if Specter goes down in a few minutes here, it is truly the end of an era, and the Republicans will have shifted to the far, far right as a party. It is odd, that for the first time as I can remember, Both parties are moving towards the extremes and not the center. We're in for an interesting year.

My head tells me to root for Specter, because at least with him, we don't have to worry about having both of our seats in the Senate go to wingnuts, but with that said, why not just have the real thing? I think Specter is hurting more than anyone in this newly polarized electorate, and the results will show this soon. More on it later. Also good luck to Hoeffel, who begins his spirited quest tomorrow with a cross state tour. Let's really get his name out there. Glen has already said that he would go door to door for Hoeffel if Toomey won the primary, so who else is on board?
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