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George Bush can't come up with a mistake? He should start reading the newspapers. 

Today, President George W. Bush gave a rare speech with a Q and A session afterwards. The speech, only the third in Bush's term, centered mostly on assuming damage control mode RE:Iraq after a few weeks of deadly fighting and declining support for the war. The questions were a bit more broad in scope, including an inquiry to the President on whether or not he had made any mistakes or failures during his tenure. Karlbot activated, and of course, he suddenly blocked out the war in Iraq, his economic plan, his space manifest destiny, the anti-gay amendment, and of course, ignoring warnings before 9-11.

When asked if he felt any responsibility for 9-11 or if he wanted to apologize to the families, he sidestepped and said in retrospect, he wished the Department of Homeland Security was in place. Let's not forget to mention that the Department was a democratic idea that George Bush opposed and subsequently took credit for.

Looking at the first stories on the speech, the media isn't exactly giving it rave reviews. George Bush, as usual, came off as a pompous moron who is incredibly disconnected with the American public, and on top of that, is afraid to admit his wrongdoings. The best part of the speech by far was his magic tie.
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