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Finally, the fight for a paper trail in E-Voting systems has gained some traction. Yahoo has a story about it on its front page. This shouldn't even be a question after the 2000 fiasco, but alas, the republicans are in power. They say that no matter what we do, we will never have a 100 percent accurate vote count. I don't believe that. Do you? Especially with Diebold, the company that makes these machines, run by a staunch Bush operative. I think that once this story gets some publicity, the government will have to act and require a paper trail, because honestly I don't see any citizen that would be against this.

The latest story from Iraq does not fare well for the Bush administration. They can't get a break lately, but the pictures of the four citizens being mutilated are sure to further knock an already unpopular war. If the situation doesn't change drastically there, or the economy doesn't change drastically here, there is no way we will get four more years of Bush.

The latest Bush ad, "Troubling," assails Sen. Kerry further on the tax issue. For the truth about these, check out this link. It's easy to cherry pick and take votes out of context on a 20 year senator, but what is amazing is that with Bush, you don't have to cherry pick to see how awful of a president he has been. The only reason he even remains viable is the monetary advantage, one the Dems are closing in on. My take is that we are going to win and win big, we can't rest. Everyone needs to keep up on their local news outlets and not be afraid to keep them in line anytime they support a misleading statement concerning John Kerry. If we can keep up this unity and enthusiasm, we will coast to victory.

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