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Everyone, hope you're having a good Easter Weekend 

We're finally listed on yahoo..right up top too:)

It's surreal to be listed right below the heavy hitters..kos, eschaton, talking points, even AS. I've been reading those blogs for quite a while, and while they are the best of the best (along with in my humble opinion, political wire), have finally etched out my own little place here after a year of saying i was going to do it. Anyways, on to the rant.

As it turns out, we do negotiate with terrorists when it benefits George Bush politically. Where do we go from here, what do we do now? I'm not saying that offering a cease fire is a bad thing, but it just goes to show the do as I say, not as I do rhetoric vs action of this bunch of liars.

Friday dump or not, I don't think this one will go away as easy as Bush wants it to. Sir, if this is true then why were you worried about overseas threats? Why no mention or attention to Al Qaida before 9-11? I backed away from Glen's theory that George Bush let this happen, and while I don't think that is 100 percent accurate either, I think it was a matter of not paying enough attention. To sum it up, we need a guy who is not an idiot in the White House. Which brings me to my first fundraising pitch of the new iteration of the left times.

See the thing on the right side of the screen where it says Kerry Core? Click on that and contribute anything you can afford. It'll be worth it come November. All funds are processed through John Kerry's site. We don't see any of the action at all, the Kerry Core is basically just a symbol of where John Kerry's money comes from, and we'd like to make our dent in the upcoming win in November.

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