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The battle of Arlen Specter v Pat Toomey for the PA senator race is a tough one to take sides on. Normally I wouldn't care about a Republican primary, but an especially vulnerable Specter combined with a strong Democratic candidate Joe Hoeffel has me interested. Kos even has this one listed near the top of the possible Senate seats to switch parties. Why the situation then? Well, Pat Toomey would probably be an easier target and a win for Joe Hoeffel, however we run the risk of having a senator somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun that makes Rick "man on dog" Santorum look like a civil rights union leader. Arlen Specter would be a somewhat tougher task, considering his moderate record, and honestly he's not a bad guy, but I would rather see it go to a Democrat any day. All that said, if Specter does trump wingnut Toomey in the primary, he will come out significantly weakened and possibly have a hard time moving back to the center to do battle with Hoeffel. Do we root for the risky one or the safe bet? It's win-sorta win vs win-disaster. The primary is in a few weeks. This race, next to Barack Obama's near sure victory in Illinois and the Colorado situation could mean we regain a majority in the senate under President Kerry.

Speaking of President Kerry, the wear and tear from staying out of the spotlight recently is starting to show up in polls. While it's nothing to be alarmed about for us yet, we should jump on it. The new ad at Kerry's website is a good sign that they are back on the ball. It's a good ad too, probably the best I've seen out of Senator Kerry so far this campaign. For anyone in PA as I am, I was notified that Kerry will be at a rally at Pitt on April 16th, probably in the afternoon. I'll see you there.

President Bush is claiming not to have had information on the morning of 9-11 to know about a possible attack. This contradicts the numerous reports from just about everyone ever, so I won't get into this new lie. I hate to speculate on what exactly could have happened if Clarke and company were not ignored in the first half of 2001. Perhaps we wouldn't have had a pretext to invade a completely unrelated personal vendetta.

Speaking of the unelected President and company, the cartel will be vetting the 9-11 commission's report before it is released publicly, and thus possibly pushing that release back until after the election. If this isn't the most overtly political move since...well since a while ago, then I don't know what is. Someone, and I don't mean someone that hosts a comedy central fake news show, needs to take them to task. Speaking of taking them to task, we need to jump on that. Example:

At work the other night, and thankfully I wasn't directly involved, I was standing behind a co-worker who was waiting on someone. This coworker was pretty sick and his voice was hoarse. So the lady asks him why, and he responds:
"I've been pretty sick, I've had to work both of my jobs the last few days to pay my bills."
"You shouldn't have to do that, you should be able to pay your bills." said the lady.
"At least you still have your job and it's not in India." said the lady's husband.
At this point I thought, wow, is PA really as swing as they claim?.....back to the conversation
"Haha, you're right there." said the coworker.
"You can't blame Bush for that." said the lady
As I wince from biting my tongue to keep my job, I wonder what the hell brought that up. Do I turn around with my Kerry pin?
"Alright Alright," said my coworker, apparently biting his tongue too.
"Clinton made NAFTA right, it was Clinton." said the Lady
"India isn't in North America." replied coworker.
"I don't think you can blame anything on any one person, it's more complex, a ripple effect." replied the lady, one sentence from assigning NAFTA and my friend's job situation to Clinton.
"Do you go to college?" asked the lady.
"I have three degrees." replied the coworker (mind you at a minimum wage starting job.)
"That's why you think like that, they instill that kind of thinking in you in college." said the lady as she walked out the door.

The moral of the story, folks is that education results in liberalism, and thus, should be abolished. Also in the guide to conservative thinking, at last resort, blame Clinton. He did, after all, lie.

Let's begin to take these morons on. Had I known that I would be able to keep it civil, I would have jumped in, but in case the situation comes out outside of your work. Tell them Bush is a liar. If they reply that "well, Clinton lied..and under oath!!," ask them how many people died from it. If they say that you are being unpatriotic, ask them how our country was founded in the first place. If they say "well, I don't care, I got my tax cut!," tell them that the funding for their school, roads, and precious gasoline got cut with it. If they say "But GW is a man of God, and God wants him to win," find out what paper they read, because I have been trying to find this God endorsement of Bush. If they say "But they're going to take away my gun," tell them they are a moron.
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