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The White House has done an about face and has decided to let Condi testify, in public, and under oath. What took so long? I'm surprised they didn't do damage control on this last week. The agreement that they came to was that the commission would not ask any more public officials to testify and this would not set precedent. Hopefully we won't need to have any more of these type of commissions.

John Kerry early today set off his fundraising trip with a much more than anticipated 3 million dollars. Things look so good from the bottom, but for some reason the media still wants to play us as a fractured, injured party. We'll see i suppose. No less, Kerry unveiled a plan for energy independence, and to lower gas prices. Personally, I think the fact that we have paid lower prices for gas than most anywhere else around the world has hurt us in the long run. We've become dependent on cheap gas, our environment has suffered, and we're beholden to middle eastern oil. I say if gas prices are going to rise, we kinda had it coming. That said, energy independence is definitely not a bad thing, something we should have been talking about a long time ago. Hopefully this campaign promise can come to fruition.

Here is an editorial that says that we must marginalize Nader in order to avoid a repeat of 2000. I disagree. We must actually do the opposite, and adopt some of his views to bring him into the fold. He can be a powerful voice, and by dammit, he is right on the issues, republican funded or not, 2000 or not. Speaking of 2000, I really don't believe that if Ralph stays out the race, that he will even get half of the 2 percent he got nationwide. It's a lot easier to poll for Ralph Nader than it is to vote for him, and people still have 2000 fresh in their minds. Why bother with him then? Because it would be a good way to bring young people in. Yes, these people would have voted for Kerry anyway more than likely, but it will be more of a solid, welcome to the fold vote than a cold feet vote, something that could work out well for us in the long run.

If we are to lose this election, which I strongly believe we will not, I believe that this will be the last election that is decided by the older generation. We are the next generation, a more progressive, positive generation, a more informed generation. Just look at the statistics on gay marriage and ratings for Bush. If we have to sit through this now, worry not, we will get our time in the end. Hopefully in about 8 months.

Here's a good article on Salon.

Finally for this post, there is a new report saying outsourcing is good for the economy. That really depends on which side you look at it. True, certain people do stand to gain from this, and we in turn get cheaper prices. That said, without jobs, price really doesn't matter. Check it out for yourself.
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